I guess I should start this first post by saying hello!

My name is Michelle, but I’m better known as Mischavie around the net. Though technically I’m a writer by day, I’m an artist by night. I created this website because I’ve started to take my artwork more seriously in recent times and have had great success in doing so! As such, my hope is to use this platform as a means to showcase my capabilities to prospective clients.

However, my goal is to make this hub more than just an online portfolio. For instance, I intend to use this very blog to document my journey as an artist—from learning new digital painting techniques to printing methods and more. That way, I can  keep an eye on my own progress and help other aspiring artists (should they stumble here somehow) on their own journey too.

So without further ado, cheers to what lies ahead!

P.S. I’ve never been very good at committing to things. Maybe owning a creative outlet will change that? We’ll have to wait and see…